Saturday, July 6, 2013

Cousin Confusion

I come from a large family, and I have about a zillion cousins - first cousins, second cousins, removed cousins... Those removed cousins are the tricky ones. They get called all kinds of things! I've decided to attempt to clear things up for you all.

Here's the run-down. The terms first cousin, second cousin, etc., follow generational lines. First cousins are easy. Siblings grow up and have their own children. Those children are first cousins. Easy peaty lemon squeezy. Now let's say all the first cousins grow up and have children of their own. Those children are second cousins. Not too hard to follow, right? Good.

Now what if your first cousin has a child? Is that child your second cousin? Nope. That child is your first cousin once removed. the term "once removed" means one generation removed. What if your first cousin has a grandchild? How are you related to that child? I'll wait a sec for you to think about it.....

If you said first cousin twice removed, go straight to the head of the class and give yourself a gold star! Your cousin's grandchild is your cousin two generations removed. Get it? This concept confuses the dickens out of people! Does it really matter all that much? Nah. But knowing this little nugget of information can come in very handy at your next family reunion. You know the scene. a bunch of adults standing around introducing/reintroducing themselves scratching their heads trying to figure out how they're related. Then you come along and save the day because you know exactly how they're related! Hero status! You're welcome. 

Oh, and here's a chart for all you visual learners and charty/listy types. Ta ta for now! (Name that Disney character)

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