Saturday, July 6, 2013

Yummy, Yummy All-Purpose Seasoning

Just a quick recipe for Miss Paula's Yummy Seasoning. I use it as the base for seasoning most everything. Sometimes I add more to it, but most times I use it as is.

Miss Paula's Yummy Seasoning
1 cup of fine sea salt
1/4 cup black pepper
1/4 cup garlic powder (not garlic salt)
1/4 cup onion powder (again, not onion salt)

Put everything in a pint mason jar and shake it like a Polaroid picture. Heeeey ay ya. (Go ahead, sing along. You know you wanna.) I love to use this seasoning on steak and chicken the most. Add a little paprika for a little sweet pepper taste. Or a little cayenne for some kick. It gives everything a little flavor boost that goes beyond plain ol' salt and peppa. (If you have "push it" I. Your head right now, consider yourself cyber fist bumped.  My people.) Ta ta for now!

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